Audio Visual Aids

Audio VisualMost advertising professionals will agree that audio-visual content is the most persuasive and effective way to get your message over to consumers. People use audio-visual devices every day. So commonplace are they that people often take TV, video and radio for granted. In fact they trust this medium so much that they put up hardly any resistance to what information they see and hear.

This is great for when you want to talk to your customers and introduce them to special offers, one-off events or generally share new and useful information that they may not be aware of. Audio-visual media is a very powerful and effective tool and can help to aid your business communication reach further than simply relying on written content.

How Do Audio/Visual Aids Help in Business Communication?

When you are trying to get over a new message or an idea, it is much better to give that information face-to-face rather than on paper. Lets say for example that your run a health club, restaurant, bar or public house. You could turn your TVs into an advertising screen by feeding in promotions and adverts for your special off-peak gym membership, lunch-time special menus or pretty much any message that you want to convey.

You may be used to handing out special offer printed leaflets to your customers or members when you have something to promote, but how many of these get read or acted upon? In reality only a small percent of printed media actually gets read, most often getting stuffed down the bottom of a gym bag and swiftly forgotten about. But what if you had that same message running on screen in the gym while your members were working out? What if that message was read out between songs on your background music track? What if you could tie all your approaches in by using audio-visual methods to remind your customers to redeem that voucher or flyer to get that special deal?

Better Clarity

Audio-visual communication helps to boost your message by making sure your customers understand what you are offering in an easy way. There is less risk of people misreading or misunderstanding your written communication. It is hard to convey the right tone of voice or mood via a printed flyer or leaflet, but through your TV or music feed within your establishment, there can be no confusion as they will have both visual and audio cues to clarify exactly what you are trying to say.

Improved Retention

Psychologists have proven that by using both audio and visual cues, human brains respond better to the information being given out and will retain that message. A study conducted by the US Dept. of Labour showed that when audio and visual tools are combined to present a message, 65% of that information is retained compared to just 10-20% of written information. This is why audio-visual presentation software and video conferencing are such effective tools used in business meeting and for lectures in education. Your audience processes the information you present far more effectively than in any other form.

Advertising Media

Simply by adding short video clips, slide shows, visual aids and sound clips to your background TV and music within your establishment your customers become more engaged with you and your communications become much more effective.


Find out more about DRAM audio-visual services and how we can help you communicate better with your customers.